“LOL” Laugh Out Loud! has been published in Jacksonville Magazine. Thrilling!
Ribbon Winner!
Yellow Ribbon Award!
There’s a state-wide organization called f3c that has competitions all year. Photo clubs around the state of FL (not individuals) submit members’ prints or digital images. This print of mine received an award! Golddust and Pintails was taken of a small area in New Mexico, Bosque del Apache. You might not have heard of it, but migratory birds have. Lots of them!
Pure Joy!
This photo was taken at the Blue Angels Air Show in Jax Beach. While the jets were roaring by in the sky, this little cutie was completely unaware. I entered the photo in my camera club's competition. The theme was "Happy!" It won first place!
Read More"Racing the Sun" Installation
This photo was taken near Vilano Beach in St. Augustine, where horses are allowed to ride. Before sunrise it was cloudy and raining. Then suddenly the sunrise exploded out of the clouds as this horse galloped by. Framed print size 64" x 42".
Blue Ribbon!
Each year Beaches Photography Club holds a juried Print Competition. The judge was Darrel Joseph, well known and respected professional photographer and instructor. There were 3 categories, General, People, and Nature. I entered a piece in the General category, along with about 50 other people. It won first place! I'm truly honored to receive this Blue Ribbon.
"Glistening Gallop" was taken on Vilano Beach in St. Augustine. That early morning was rainy. As we set up for the shoot, the drizzle subsided and out of the storm clouds peaked the morning sunrise glow. The horses rode in the surf. What great good fortune.
Press Release
Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge. Great place to view migrating and local birds. Snowy Egret touch down.
Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge
What an honor it is to hang several photos in such a beautiful home.
We chose a grouping of 3 florals to add a punch of color here.
Great Egrets are to the left and the right of the TV. The one on the right is a male, displaying tail feathers.
The threesome on the left is a mama with her juvenile chicks, forever hungry and squawking for food. She's done with it.
Powder Room--The walls are a Venetian Marble paint technique, with white rectangular applied molding to add interest to the walls. We decided to insert a few black & white Africa photos here--zebras fighting, a baby leopard, and eyes of a baby giraffe and little elephant. So somebody's watching you...
Contest Ribbons!
One Particular Harbor received Third Place.
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Last night at the Beaches Photography Club there was a photo contest with the theme: "Silence." I entered the Great White Egret Fishing and called it "Silent Assassin." Won 2nd place!
The North American Nature Photographers Association asked if I would share some of my Royal Tern Chick photos with them so they could post them on their blog.
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