Reddish Egret Envy
Spoonbill Skims the Water
Disadvantages of Tailgating
Take a Look at That Head of Hair!
Immature Spoonbill
Spoonbill Group Shot
There's Always One
White Pelicans in Merritt Island
Model Shoot with a Spoonbill
Model Shoot of a Spoonbill, continued
White Pelicans in 2024!
Great Egret Soars
The Little Blue Heron in the Prop Roots
Keeping a Low Profile
Reddish Egret Fan Dance
A Misplaced Feather
What Did I Tell You?
Banking Spoonbill
Stilts Stay Together
Sandpiper ZigZag
Willet with the Prize
Head in the Surf
Got It.
An Interloper
Misty Day at the Beach
Sandpiper Emergence
Safest Spot
No. Really. I'm Listening.
Black Bellied Whistling Ducks
Rain Dance
White Pelican Detail
Timing is Everything
Great Egret and His Lady Friend
Roseate Spoonbill in Flight
On Top of the World
Roseate Spoonbill
Black-necked Stilts
Gone Funky
A Mighty Thrust!
Snowy Egret in Breeding Plumage
American Bald Eagle in Jean's Tree
Eagle Couple
Little Blue Heron
Egret Family
Elegant Great Egret
 Except where they are conspiring. (These are young ones, able to fly.)
Great Egret on Branch
 and they  are able to play-fight. Often.
Proud Parents
Lesson in Race Walking
Safety Across the Pond
Gator Song
Fish for Four
Where's the Fish??
 Mom swoops in,  but with no fish dinner, like she usually brings. She has other plans.
 She says something to them. They just look at her. So she actually flies into the young bird on the right, almost pushing him out of the nest. Can you see what a body blow it is? Remember, they haven’t flown yet.
 This chick is shocked! He’s off balance! He’s livid! What is going on?and Mom flies off, mumbling something about How do I get rid of these guys? They're eating me out of house and home. I’m exhausted—fishing fishing fishing.
 The one that WAS on the right is still furious, and he’s screaming and flapping, flapping and screaming, and what do you know? He launches himself into the air! He’s flying! (Mom is swooping out, low in front of the nest. The sibling is considering…
 Maybe a minute later, the chick that was on the right, the indignant chick, the irate chick flapping flapping flapping, is now soaring with his mom as coach. He circles this way and that, like he’s been doing it forever. I’m so lucky to have seen th
Great Egret and Two Very Young Chicks
Snowy Egret
Roseate Spoonbill
Sparkles and Feathers
American White Pelican
Great Egret Delivering Nesting Material
Great Egret and Greenery
Spoonbill in the Spotlight
Woodstork Incoming!
This is My Best Side
American White Pelican
Motor in Back
American White Pelican
Similarity of Spoons
Spoonbill in Merritt Island in December
Attack! Attack!
On Guard!
Spoonbill Family
Snowy Egret in Flight
Osprey Couple
Two Mallard Ducklings
Cormorants on the Pole, Eyes Right
Cattle Egret
Mallard Duckling and the Lily Pads
Great Blue Herons--Nest Making
Juvenile Brown Pelican
Little Mallard Duckling
Immature Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican Dives for Scraps
Spoonbill in Flight
Brown Pelican Landing
The Cormorant and the Alligator Gar
Little Blue Heron
Reddish Egret and an Unfortunate Fish
The Reddish Egret and the Unfortunate Fish
Female Anhinga
White Pelicans and the Cormorant
Willet and Bubbles
Great Blue Herons, Nest-Making
A Sparkling Day Lies Ahead!
Willet in the Snow
Foggy Morning on the Guana Slough
Herons and Wood Storks and Snowy Egrets
Tri-Colored Heron in Profile
Great White Egret
White Egret Landing
White Egret at Mid-day
Great Egret on Green Lake
Cattle Egret Preening
Great Egret with a Grassy Catch
Green Heron
Green Heron, Juvenile
Sanderling with a Nugget
Willet in the Shallows
Orange and Purple and Green
Flamingo at the Jax Zoo
Monarch Butterfly
Guardian Angel
Dragonfly Fascination
Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret Couple
A Stick for my Princess
Stay Balanced
We've Got to Have a Plan
Look Relaxed!..........But I'm Terrified!
American Bald Eagle
Solitary Heron
Ring-Billed Gull
Splash Splash I Was Takin a Bath
Tail Feathers Must Be Perfect
Hover & Plunge
Every Feather in Place
Vision in Pink
Saltwater Search
Great Egret Gathers Nest Material
Cormorant Dreams
Sandpiper, Digging
I've Been Spotted
Snowy Egret Reads the Surf
Tricolored Heron At Take Off
Wilson's Snipe
Osprey Building Her Nest
How Do I Get Off This Stick?
Curly Top
Great Blue Heron Surveys His Territory
Two White Ibis & One Fish
Brazilian Blowout Gone Bad
Soft Landing
Step Cautiously.
Mirror Twins
The Short Life of a Snail
White Ibis to Her Best Friend
OK. How about this way. Profile.
I Like It Long on Top with Tight Sides
Mom! They're not sharing!
Shhhh! I'm Hiding!
Great Blue Heron Dives for a Snack
Male Anhinga in Breeding Plumage
I'm So Pretty!
Soaring in the Clouds
Spoonbill in Flight
Great Blue Heron Stare Down
The Green Anole and the Dragonfly
Little Blue Heron
Hint--Not a Bird
Sandpiper Trio
Beach Patrol
Wait Up, Everybody!
Mr.  Willet on his PM stroll
Two Great White Herons
Snowy Egret
Red Tailed Hawk (and a thief!)
Whistling Ducks
Yellow-Bellied Slider Turtle?
Glossy Ibis
Male Great Egret
Roseate Spoonbills
Great White Egret Takes Flight
Spoonbill Couple
Sandpiper with an Itch
Osprey Chicks
Spoonbill in a Blue Sky
Silent Assassin
Ruddy Turnstone
The End
Brown Pelican Profile
Papa Whistling Duck
The Family
The Protectress
Cattle Egret Bend and Stretch
Tri-colored Heron Chicks
She's Coming!
Snowy Egret Adjusts a Feather
Snowy Egret Chicks
Anhinga on the High Water Marker
I'm Faster
Stalking Sandpipers
I'm Outta Here
Osprey Twosome
Ode to Romance, Woodstork Style
 Oh, Wilbur! You’re so sensitive…
 Shall we?…Don’t be coy…  (pause)
 Wait! Your foot is on my neck!
 Let us sing a song of love!
Got My Eye on You
Palamedes  Swallowtail
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